Stories and resources

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The Owls
Hello! We're the owls and we have various responsibilities within La Aldea. We're in charge of educating the young ones, one of the most important tasks in the community, and we also undertake scientific research.
The owls image
The ants
Good morning! We don't have much time because we´re working. We're the ants and we follow orders to the letter! Yes, sir! We´re very organized and efficient. On the march! And a one, two, three...
The ants image
Lucy the turtle
My name is Lucy and I'm the turtle leader of La Aldea. My work requires me to make the most important decisions and consider everyone's well-being. I want us to act together and work as a community.
Lucy image
Ernest the tapir
My name is Ernest, I'm a handsome and powerful tapir. My father was one of the great founders of La Aldea. It's thanks to him and our lineage of tapirs that this place is still standing. I'm very proud of this and of everything I do to make La Aldea as great as it was before!
Ernest image
Arnold the opossum
Howdy! I'm Arnold, a quick and smart opossum. I try to always be the first at everything. Even if sometimes... just sometimes... it means breaking the rules. But, shush! Don't tell anyone!
Arnold image
The Bees
Good day! We're the bees, the meteorologists of La Aldea. Our main interest is the protection of the environment and the production of our delicious honey. They say honey from La Aldea is the bee's knees!
The bees image
Lia the crab
AHEM! My name is Lia and I'm a crab. I don't much like being with other animals I prefer to go it alone and do things as I want. Truth is, I don't even know what I'm doing here, talking to you ... Bye!
Lia image
Harry the chameleon
I'm Harry the chameleon. I arrived in La Aldea not too long ago after losing my home in a landslide. My normal color is green, but when I feel happy I turn yellow and when I'm scared, I turn purple.
Harry image
The moorhens
We're the moorhens. We're always together and prefer to stick our heads in the sand rather than put ourselves in any danger. Are we done here? It's all getting too much for us! B-Bye!
The moorhens image
Carol the spectacled bear
Hi, I'm Carol, the only spectacled bear in La Aldea. I'm also the largest animal here. For me, the most important thing is to be respectful of the opinions and thoughts of others and never do anything to hurt them.
Carol image
Peter the porcupine
Hello! I'm Peter, an honorable and responsible porcupine. I want La Aldea to become a place of fairness and openness. That's why I get angry when I see animals cheating or harming others. That's just not right!
Peter image
The macaws
Squawk! We're the macaws, the reporters of La Aldea. We like to stick our beaks in whatever's going on to keep the villagers well-informed. And if there's no news, well, we'll keeping looking until we find some!
The macaws image
The mice
Hello! We finally meet! Us mice are in charge of cleaning La Aldea and, even though we've done it for a long time, nobody ever seems to notice! Some animals think we're dirty, but we're actually the cleanest and most orderly inhabitants in La Aldea. If they took the chance to meet us, the other animals would be surprised.
Mouse image
Blue opossum image

Stories and resources

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